Peace be to this man’

WHEN somebody comes to see you or meet you just settle within yourself, become silent. When the man enters, deep down feel peace for him. Feel: 'Peace be to this man’. Don’t just say it, feel it. Suddenly you will see a change in the man as if something unknown has entered into his being. He will be totally different. Try it.

Osho gave this tension technique for those who have become aware of a persistent pattern of frustration and anger in their day-to-day affairs.

Every day for fifteen minutes, any time that you feel good, choose a time and close the room and become angry – but don’t release it. Go on forcing it ... go almost crazy with anger, but don’t release it – no expression, not even a pillow to hit. Repress it in every way – do you follow me? It is just the exact opposite of catharsis.
If you feel tension arising in the stomach as if something is going to explode, pull the stomach in; make it as tense as you can. If you feel the shoulders are becoming tense, make them more tense. Let the whole body be as tense as possible – almost as if on a volcano, boiling within and with no release. That is the point to remember – no release, no expression. Don’t scream, otherwise the stomach will be released. Don’t hit anything, otherwise the shoulders will be released and relaxed.
For fifteen minutes get heated up, as if one is at one hundred degrees. For fifteen minutes work to a climax. Put on an alarm and when the alarm goes, try the hardest you can. And as the alarm stops, sit silently, close your eyes and just watch what is happening. Relax the body.
This heating of the system will force your patterns to melt.


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