Music and Dance

MUSIC is meditation

Meditation crystallized in a certain dimension. 

Meditation is music – music melting into the dimensionless. 
They are not two.

If you love music, you love it only because around it somehow you feel meditation happening. You are absorbed by it, you become drunk in it. Something of the unknown starts descending around you ... God starts whispering. Your heart beats in a different rhythm, one in tune with the universe. Suddenly you are in a deep orgasm with the whole. A subtle dance enters into your being, and doors that have remained closed forever start opening. A new breeze passes through you; dust of the centuries is blown away. You feel as if you __ have taken a bath, a spiritual bath; you have been under a shower – clean, fresh, virgin.

Music is meditation; meditation is music. These are two doors to approach the same phenomenon. 

Dance in celebration and enjoy. 

Forget the dancer, the centre of the ego; become the dance. That is the meditation. Dance so deeply that you forget completely that ‘you’ are dancing and begin to feel that you are the dance. The division must disappear; then it becomes a meditation. If the division is there, then it is an exercise: good, healthy, but it cannot be said to be spiritual. It is just a simple dance. Dance is good in itself – as far as it goes, it is good. After it, you will feel fresh, young. But it is not meditation yet. The dancer must go, until only the dance remains.

So what to do? Be totally in the dance, because division can exist only if you are not total in it. If you are standing aside and looking at your own dance, the division will remain: you are the dancer and you are dancing. Then dancing is just an act, something you are doing; it is not your being. So get involved totally; be merged in it. Don’t stand aside, don’t be an observer. Participate!

Let the dance flow in its own way; don’t force it. Rather, follow it; allow it to happen. It is not a doing but a happening. Remain in the mood of festivity. You are not doing something very serious; you’re just playing, playing with your life energy, playing with your bioenergy, allowing it to move in its own way. Just like the wind blows and the river flows – you are flowing and blowing. Feel it.

And be playful. Remember this word ‘playful’ always – with me, it is very basic. In this country we call creation God’s leela – God’s play. God has not created the world; it is his play. 


DON’T take religion seriously. 

You can sing and dance in it; long faces are not needed. We have lived with long faces too long. If you see the old face of God it is sad. It creates boredom. Now we need a dancing and laughing God.
You have to dance in an ecstatic mood. All your life energy is to be flowing, laughing, singing. Celebrate life. 


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